Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
52709 : Bull. Trav. du L.G.P.A. (Bulletin des Travaux du Laboratoire de Géographie Appliquée, Université de Bordeaux 3)
44861 : Econometric Reviews,
37802 ;;;
244274 >Critic 2707-8531 ACTRA-CATRAS
50294 ?
741249 @ECHOS-P.I. Bulletin d’échanges Annick Marteau
78635 @GRH 2034-9130 Association de Gestion des Ressources Humaines
786835 @GRH
53967 @mnis
126693 @nalyses 1715-9261 Département de français, Université d'Ottawa
161691 @nalyses – Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire
162394 @nalyses. Revue des littératures franco-canadiennes et québécoise
56565 @rqueología y Territorio 1698-5664 Université de Grenade = Universidad de Grenada
157769 A & A 2533-0713 Orienta
138670 A & A Case Reports 2325-7237 Wolters Kluwer
488001 A & P Continuidad 2362-6097 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
721124 A + U Architecture and Urbanism 0389-9160 A+U Publishing Co., Ldt
165040 A : rivista anarchica 0044-5592 Editrice A
96830 A Arte do Romance, Lisboa
158669 A Cafe in Space : Anaïs Nin literary journal Smashwords Edition
152380 A Caribbean Platform of Criticism
116096 A Cidade, Revista cultural de Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal
69755 A Collection of Technical Papers - 13th AIAA/CIRA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference
69753 A Collection of Technical Papers - 14th AIAA/AHI International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference
36398 A Companion to Ancient Philosophy
35575 A Comparative Survey on Europe and Asia
33555 A Constitution for the European Union : Sovereignty, Representation, Competences, Constituent Process
32638 A Constitution for the European Union: Sovereignty, Representation, Competences, Constituent Process
131629 A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos 1548-7083 North Carolina State University
129520 A Contrahilo Universidad de Chile
85450 A Cronica
25052 A Cultura da Fisica: Contribuçoes em homenagem a Amelia Imperio Hamburger
180100 A Cultura na Arbitragem Internacional
43791 A Grammar of Basque
35936 A Guide to : What's Wrong withe Economics (avec Joseph Halevi)
166733 A História Revista 1984-4530
73482 A Hora Veterinaria
29544 A Igreja e o Clero Português no Contexto Europeu. The Church and the Portuguese Clergy in the European Context
169445 A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 0003-6390 De Gruyter
791870 A Journal of Breathwork Practice, Psychology and Spirituality
173573 A Journal of Investigations into Global Musical Possibilities (SONUS)
9450 A Journal with Only 1 Volume 7777-8888
7651 A P L A Quarterly Journal 0091-0538 American Intellectual Property Law Association
69282 A Peste: revista de psicanálise e sociedade
134919 A Rivista di l'Accademia Stamperia Sammarcelli
103763 A Space for Expression Quarterly Cinema Journal
47556 A Survey of Numismatic Research 1996-2001. XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismatica, Madrid
103716 A Trabe de Ouro: publicación galega de pensamento crítico 1130-2674 Sotelo Blanco Ediciones
153226 A bâtons rompus
30789 A companion in linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
30787 A companion in linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday,
157901 A contrario
26287 A contrario. Revue interdisciplinaire de sciences sociales 1660-7880 BSN Press
132635 A contretemps. Bulletin de critique bibliographique
36113 A focus on EU-Russian relations : towards a close partnership on defined roads maps ?
83893 A journal of manufacturing technology management
26675 A l'occasion du centenaire de la mort de Muhammad 'Abduh
162219 A l'écoute 0222-0911 Orphelins-apprentis d'Auteuil
531186 A l'épreuve
44091 A la croisée des sciences : pratiquer et comprendre l'interdisciplinarité , Aix en Provence, MMSH, 16-17 septembre 2004
129881 A la pointe de l'élevage bovin
24972 A la recherche de légitimités chrétiennes. Représentations de l'espace et du temps dans l'Espagne des IXe-XIIIe siècles
36353 A la recherche du mot : De la langue au discours
891182 A la source KTO
30302 A multi-agent and emergent approach to student modelling
179290 A novel missense mutation in the gene encoding SLURP-1 in patients with Mal de Meleda from northern Tunisia
123840 A palo Seco. Escritos de Filosofia e Literatura Universidade Federal de Sergipe
44052 A paraître in, Lorino, P., Teulier, R. (2005), « Entre la connaissance et l'organisation, l'activité collective », Maspéro, Paris
124477 A peste : Revista de Psicanálise e Sociedade e Filosofia 2175-6104 Laboratório de Estudos em Teoria Social, Filosofia e Psicanálise – LATESFIP/USP – Departamento de Filosofia e ao Instituto de Psicologia da USP
29556 A portée de notes. Musique et mémoire. Colloque de Grenoble. 14-15 octobre 2003. Mois du patrimoine écrit 2003
136790 A simulation based analysis. International Journal of Production Economics
66356 A sociocognitive approach to social norms
693976 A&A Architettura e Ambiente 2533-0713 Orienta Edizioni - Sapienza Università di Roma
159003 A&A practice 2575-3126
182817 A&C - Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional 1516-3210
867333 A&P Continuidad Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
834343 A+
95376 A+S Architecture et Stations
820787 A, Rivista di informazione dell’Ordine degli Architetti PPCC della Provincia di Trento 2281-6410
9451 A-to-Z Guide to Thermodynamics Heat and Mass Transfer and Fluids Engineering 1113-1114 Begell House Inc
31324 A. Berthoz, R. Recht, eds., Les espaces de l'homme, Symposium annuel du Collège de France
30829 A. GASSE & V. Rondot (éd.), Séhel. Entre Égypte et Nubie. Inscriptions rupestres et graffiti de l'époque pharaonique = Actes du colloque international, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III — 31 mai — 1er juin 2002 = Orientalia Monspenliensia XIV
30828 A. GASSE & V. Rondot (éd.), Séhel. Entre Égypte et Nubie. Inscriptions rupestres et graffiti de l'époque pharaonique = Actes du colloque international, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III — 31 mai — 1er juin 2002 = Orientalia Monspenliensia XIV, 2003, p. 107-110
56505 A. Tolstoy Editor, Proceedings of Theorical and Computational Acoustics "ICTCA
137883 A. sp. Anglais de spécialité 1246-8185
79931 A.N.A.E. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant 0999-792X Sté Artemis [1989] - J. Libbey Eurotext [1990-1993] - PDG Communication [1994-2002] - Pleiomedia [2003-....]
170323 A.R.T. Ateliers de Recherches Transdisciplinaires Université de Tours
56704 A.U. Eng. J
168966 A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture 1302-8324
153253 A2
73627 A3 magazine 1953-6542 Paris: Association des anciens et des amis du CNRS
119891 AAA - TAC (Acoustical Arts and Artifacts. Technology, Aesthetics, Communication) Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
77988 AAAI Press Menlo Park
156403 AAB News
162406 AACE Clinical Case Reports 2376-0605
38119 AACE Journal 1065-6901 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
9452 AACN Advanced Critical Care 1559-7768 American Association of Critical Care Nurses
2557 AAII Journal 0192-3315 American Association of Individual Investors
121511 AALITRA Review : A Journal of Literary Translation 1838-1294 Australian Association for Literary Translation
2558 AALL Spectrum 1089-8689 American Association of Law Libraries
163406 AAMJAF
22874 AAOHN Journal 0891-0162 Slack
38120 AAP Grand Rounds 1099-6605 The American Academy of Pediatrics
38121 AAP News 1073-0397 The American Academy of Pediatrics
2559 AAPG Bulletin 0149-1423 American Association of Petroleum Geologists
37846 AAPG Hedberg Series
23509 AAPG Studies in Geology
66144 AAPG computer application in Geology 5
89384 AAPM 2013 : 55 th Annual Meeting and exhibition
96177 AAPM 2013 : 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medecine
94345 AAPM 2013 : 55th annual meeting & exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
89083 AAPM 2013 :55 th annual meeting & exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
71370 AAPP (Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti)
68327 AAPP | Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
241 AAPP | Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences 0365-0359 Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
720083 AAPPS Bull
1 AAPPS Bulletin 0218-2203 Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
2 AAPS Journal 1550-7416 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
531280 AAPS Open 2364-9534
4 AAPS PharmSciTech 1530-9932 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
149041 AAPS journal
3 AAPS pharmSci 1522-1059 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
2560 AARP Modern Maturity 1538-5981 American Association of Retired Persons
2561 AARP The Magazine 1541-9894 American Association of Retired Persons
406827 AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy meeting #50
106225 AASCIT Communications American Association for Science and Technology
135261 AASRI Procedia 2212-6716
101190 AATCC Journal of Research 2330-5517
2562 AATCC review 1532-8813 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
2563 AAUP bulletin : quarterly publication of the American Association of University Professors 0001-026X American Association of University Professors
176296 AAWM Music and Nature 2771-4497 International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics
2565 AB Bookman's Yearbook 0065-0005 Clifton, N.J., Bookman's Weekly
2564 AB bookman's weekly : for the specialist book world 0001-0340 AB Bookman's Weekly
38122 ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
120416 ABACUS 0001-3099 The Mathematical Association of Nigeria
129969 ABACUS: The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria 0001-3099 The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria
885404 ABC journal 2020-2134 ABC publishers
114815 ABC-Cultura
676425 ABCDEL'ETEBK, Journal de l'Université d'été de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
148632 ABCJournal 1841-1487 Lucian Blaga University Press
87402 ABDCdaire du Romantisme français
103852 ABE Journal - Architecture beyond Europe 2275-6639 InVisu/INHA
181746 ABEI Journal Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses
37414 ABF Beethoven : la revue de l'Association Beethoven France
120761 ABI Technik 0720-6763
278086 ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 2157-7129
42563 ABPO
167601 ABRA 1409-3928 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
134465 ABS/TCS and Brake Technology Developments - SP-1018
874280 ABTP 1270-9840 Editions ESKA
165906 ABUDoF 1595-7004 Department of French, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
167060 ABYA-YALA: REVISTA SOBRE ACESSO À JUSTIÇA E DIREITOS NAS AMÉRICAS 2526-6675 Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) Brasil
181074 ABside. Rivista di Storia dell’Arte 2704-8837
80109 AC-TICE revue inter académique des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement
685432 ACADEMIA 2241-1402
756743 ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences 1731-7401
241248 ACASTI and CEDESURK Online Journal 2410-4299
9463 ACC Current Journal Review 1062-1458 Elsevier
561083 ACCADERE. Revista de Historia del Arte 2660-9142
138097 ACCES International
131988 ACCOMEX Actualités du Commerce Extérieur 0753-4981
136099 ACCRA Audit Comptabilité Contrôle : Recherches Appliquées 2617-2399 Association francophone de comptabilité [2018-....]
121561 ACE 1697-4123
11 ACE : Architecture, City and Environment 1886-4805 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
155991 ACE. Associació Catalana d'Enòlegs 0212-842X
779670 ACE: architecture, city and environment 1886-4805 Centre de Politica de Sol i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC
85336 ACEE International Journal on Civil and Environmental Engineering
88660 ACEE International Journal on Transportation and Urban Development
89608 ACEEE International Journal of Signal & Image Processing
77525 ACEEE International Journal on Information Technology
162320 ACERVO Arquivo Nacional
524105 ACERVO - Boletim do Centro de Documentação do GHEMAT-SP 2675-2646
79531 ACES Journal
179277 ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías 1390-5384
99748 ACI Mater. J
12 ACIMED 1024-9435 Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas
38132 ACJS Today Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
169489 ACL Anthology
182647 ACM Laval, France©
75611 ACM - Proceedings of the 2012 Virtual Reality International Conference
9532 ACM - Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 1550-4875 Association for Computing Machinery
90406 ACM Ada Letters
9477 ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 1932-2240 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
78693 ACM Computers in Entertainment
2593 ACM Computing Surveys 0360-0300 Association for Computing Machinery
302210 ACM Digital Library
101665 ACM DocEng 2013 International Workshop on Document Changes
106982 ACM Interactions 1072-5520 ACM
97419 ACM International Conference Proceedings Series
137895 ACM International Conference on “Creativity & Cognition”
53635 ACM International conference Proceeding series
9478 ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 1527-6805 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
10994 ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 1084-6654 Association for Computing Machinery